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CH Banner Devil in the Details

June 28, 2002 - March 31, 2008
Co-owned by Michael Wasylkiw and Mike Kempinski
Click here for pedigree

Our Adele. Her sister Morgen may have hogged the spotlight, but Addie always did it first.  She finished first, gliding through the classes to finish at the Westchester 
Kennel Club at 15 months of age. She was first in the whelping box, bred to CH Dundalk The Stroke of Midnight, ROM. She was a Top Producer for 2005 when 3 of her puppies finished in 6 months' time.

 Addie was always a delightful girl.  She and her daughter Lula lived with Michael and 
Mike, helping out in Mike's office, hiking on weekends and generally charming everyone.

Addie was also a poster child for why Wheaten owners should test annually and why those in Lyme-endemic areas should use tick preventatives.  In the summer of 2006, on annual testing with no apparent health problems, she was found to be highly positive for Lyme Disease and in early stages of PLN.  We removed her offspring from our breeding program; subsequently, 5 of the 7 have also been diagnosed with PLN.   

Addie’s life remained normal and happy due to her early diagnosis and her owners' 
devotion.  Mike rigorously maintained her diet and medication regimen and never 
hesitated to interrupt his business to check in with their veterinarian.  Michael made 
sure Addie knew every day how important she was to them.  They remained determined to 
do right by Addie.  Their veterinarian, Dr. Leah Gibbs, provided excellent care. In 
January, 2008, she was one of a number of Banner Wheatens to contribute to the Canine 
Phenome Project.

As a direct result of her owners’ care and understanding, Addie lived her normal quality 
of life until her very last days. She lost her battle with PLN a few months before her 
6th birthday.