There are lots of resources for learning more about Wheatens and about dogs. Here are some useful ones:
The Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier Club of America is the "parent club" for Wheatens in the US. This means SCWTCA is designated as the official “custodian” of the breed by the American Kennel Club. Both SCWTCA and AKC are not-for-profit organizations dedicated to the welfare of dogs. SCWTCA is National in scope, it provides education, supports health, holds national specialty shows and is the forum for those seriously interested in Wheatens. Additionally, there are regional Wheaten clubs which represent a local resource for owners.
If you are researching Wheatens, go no further until you have read EVERYTHING on the SCWTCA site. Don't just
go looking for a breeder's name but learn more about the breed.
Delaware Valley Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier Club
Other Regional Wheaten Clubs
Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier Association of Canada
Dog Clubs and Shows
Going to dog shows can be a great way to learn more about breeds of dogs. Even if you want "just a pet," you'll still benefit.
Owners and breeders will usually be happy to talk to you about the good, the bad and the ugly in their breeds, and it's a way for you to learn more about several breeds all in one day. Plus, you can network with local breeders. Besides, you may discover - like Pam did - getting involved in showing, obedience or agility is fun.
When you go to one of the sites below looking for a local show, you'll usually find two sets of information. One is
"upcoming shows" or "calendar of events". This tells you when and where shows will be held. Make sure you find an
"all-breed show". Then, about a week before the show, go back and look for the "Judging Program". In addition to
containing things like directions, parking fees, etc, this has the schedule of judging so you know what time the
breeds you want to see will be shown.
American Kennel Club
The AKC is the governing body for the sport of purebred dogs, as well as the primary registry in the US.
This is the website of MB-F, a dog show superintendent. They handle the arrangements for shows that dog clubs put on. They primarily superintend shows on the East Coast.
Rau Dog Shows
Rau is another local superintendent, operating primarily in the Mid-Atlantic States
Raising your dog
There are lots of good books and websites.
Mother Knows Best, Carol Lea Benjamin. This is an older book but one that remains very good. Very realistic
instructions and written with a wonderful sense of humor...and sense of dogs. We have often said to people that if you read this and it doesn't ring a bell with you, think about getting a different breed. This book is available at
Amazon and other retailers.
First and foremost, read about Wheaten health at the SCWTCA website...and do not buy a puppy without reading EVERYTHING there.
Contains information specific to Wheatens, in particular, information about Protein Losing diseases. Additionally, articles previously published in Benchmarks related to health and the Health Newsletter can be found on the site.
Wheaten Health Initiative
This is a group in the UK sponsoring research and providing excellent health information online.
Wheaten Health Endowment
The Endowment supports research into Wheaten health issues.
Colony Dogs website
The Colony Dogs represent an important part of the research that has been done into Protein Losing diseases. They are gone now but we owe so much to them and their caretakers at North Carolina State University.
Orthopedic Foundation for Animals
OFA provides certification services for certain orthopedic and other conditions. In addition to information, they have a searchable database so that you can find out some of the tests your potential puppy's sire/dam may have had.
AKC Canine Health Foundation
The AKC CHF is a major funder of health research projects for dogs, including some of the past Wheaten research.
Pet Web Library
This is a group of articles on dog health written by Veterinary Partner for veterinarians to use on their websites. Each is thorough, well-researched yet understandable by any reasonably informed lay person. Look here before you consult “Dr. Google.”
Petfoodology At some point, whether it’s when you buy a bag of dog food or when you’re on Facebook or when you’re chatting with a friend about your dogs, you’ll start to hear all sorts of claims about dog foods…and especially how one diet or manufacturer is so great and another is so evil. Before believing what you’re told, check out Petfoodology. This is a blog of the Clinical Nutrition Service of the Tufts University Vet School. Lots of great information from a reputable, qualified resource and we especially like “Questions You Should Be Asking About Your Pet’s Food”